Fast forward two and a half months later. I've lost a decent amount of pregnancy weight, but my body still feels like its all wrong:
It's hard to believe that last year I ran two half marathons and helped coach the cross-country team, and in years prior I've completed two full marathons.
So, as you can probably tell, it's KILLING me to not be back in peak condition.
Hence, I've decided to take action.
I recently registered for the Women's Half Marathon in September. I'm not going for a personal record (I do realize that my body has recently gone through extensive surgery...and will go through more surgery this summer), but I feel that this will provide the needed motivation to get back in shape.
For me. For Lissie. For the wedding I'm in come early September. And for the cool goodie bag I'm gonna get at the end.
Who's in with me?
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