Ten Tests Later...
I've been feeling a little off lately - very tired (I walked out of the movie theater for the first time ever due to sheer exhaustion!), achy, having vivid dreams, etc. After researching pregnancy symptoms, I was convinced that I was pregnant. I took a few tests and got negative results, but I just KNEW I was pregnant and was convinced I just needed to wait it out a little longer.
In comes July 6, 2010. I took another test and noticed a very faint double pink line. By very faint, I mean, I was squinting and holding it up to the light and could just barely see something. Excited, I took another one that evening...but nada. I figured that maybe I drank too much water and the hcg hormone couldn't be detected.
So I tried again on July 7th. Two morning tests later, I got another two very faint positives. Justin wasn't convinced, though, so I bought a digital test which very specifically spelled out PREGNANT.

Things are now getting exciting, but to be sure, I waited until the morning of July 8th to be doubly sure. FOUR POSITIVE TESTS LATER, I think we're both convinced that a little Baby Y is on its way!
I called my doctor, and the ultrasound date is set for August 3rd, an estimated 8 weeks into pregnancy. I CAN'T WAIT!!! In the meantime, I'm spending way too much time doing internet research and reading up on everything I can to learn about being pregnant and having a baby. Our Family Tree is Growing! P.S. I know I'm a little obsessive about testing. Sorry.
This is so funny. I took 10 tests too! I didn't do mine until the 10th though, as I had no idea I was pregnant!