Every time I look at you, I see a miracle. I am in so much awe at the sheer beauty of life. The fact that your tiny (now four pounds, three ounces!) self is supposed to still be growing inside of me at 32 weeks in utero and, yet, despite the circumstances regarding your early arrival, you are thriving, makes me one proud and blessed mama.
Your cute little nose and energetic personality has warmed the hearts of not just your family, but the NICU staff as well. All of the nurses and respiratory therapists just dote on you (and your sister when she visits!), even when they are not your particular caregiver that day. They describe you as "sweet"...until right at the three-hour mark, when somehow you know that it's time for a feeding. That's when you turn into a "spunky" and "wild" baby who somehow manages to move all over your isolette to let everyone know you are hungry. (You must get that from your sister. And daddy.)
Even though your gestational age is just 32 weeks, the staff tells us that you act like a much older preemie. The fact that you know when it's time to eat is just one reason they think so. You are also starting to master the all-important sucking reflex, and it looks like you may be able to start bottle feedings sooner than most babies. You are already off of oxygen and are breathing room air (which makes mommy happy, if only for the reason that she can see your entire sweet face with no canula in the way). And, finally, the bili lights are gone and your blood cell counts are normal, all of which are reasons why they let you "graduate" into the part of the NICU for more stable/less critical care babies.
As far as your sister goes, don't hold it against her that she doesn't like to stay and hang out with you long. She is at the stage where she likes to explore everything, and she gets very upset when she is strapped in her stroller and not allowed to wander the halls of the hospital. She loves visiting you, if only because she knows she gets snacks to help prolong our stay. We practice every day when we are at home to prepare for your arrival with the help of her baby dolls, and while she is still getting the hang of things, we are confident that she will be as ready for you to come home as we are.
We can't wait 'til the day that you do get to come home with us. It will still be a few more weeks, at least, as we are still waiting for you to take your meals solely from bottles, as well as sleep in a regular crib for a few days instead of the isolette. But everyone seems confident that you will get the hang of things sooner rather than later, so hopefully we'll take you home soon. Just continue to grow bigger, develop well, and stay healthy.
We love you.
P.S. You have also captured the hearts of our family and friends. Your godmother threw a celebration for you last weekend in honor of your safe arrival and health. See all the love that there is out there for you? You truly are blessed!