Thursday, January 6, 2011

Single Digits, Baby!

We're now counting the weeks in single digits! Since Baby Girl Y is scheduled to make her appearance via c-section on March 9th, that puts us at just under the 9 week countdown!

Are we ready? That's debatable. We've got the basic supplies (the furniture, the car seat, etc.), but the nursery's not yet decorated and her clothes and cloth diapers are still in need of being laundered. We don't have everything that we need, of course, but we're slowly but surely getting there!

Baby Yasette is definitely making her appearance known, though. My belly seems to have grown enormously over Christmas break, and believe me, it's not from over-holiday-indulging. She's also starting to kick hard enough that not only can I feel it, but anyone who's looking can actually SEE it...and, as Justin likes to say, she gets her suave dance moves from him. The worst, though, is that Baby Girl Y is starting to take her toll on my lower back and heating pads and tylenol or not quite cutting it anymore.

Oh, well....these 9 weeks will fly by, right?

Our Last Christmas....

Okay, it's not our "last" Christmas...but many people have said to us that it was. We've been told that Christmases will never be the same again after this one and that we need to relish in its quietness. And so we did.

We celebrated Christmas with my parents on Christmas Eve at our home. I made a delightful prime rib with tasty sides and a yummy caramel pecan pie for dessert. It turned out to be a snowy Christmas Eve, so we nixed our plans to go to Midnight Mass and my parents stayed the night watching movies and trying out our nursery. We woke up on Christmas morning, and I made the most delicious cinnamon rolls ever before going to Christmas Day Mass.

Justin had to work the holiday, 2pm to 10pm. Luckily the snow had stopped and the roads looked decent for his trek out to Hendersonville. I just relaxed at home, reading and preparing for Baby Girl Y. The weather started to become an issue again, and I (along with my parents, thanks to their countless phone calls to me warning me to warn Justin to be careful of black ice and be ready to just stay at a hotel, if need be) was getting worried hoping that Justin would make it home safe and sound that evening.

Luckily, he did - and even earlier than anticipated, thanks to the next pharmacist on duty being kind enough to relieve him early. And that was our Christmas.

It was only later that we learned that our Christmas very nearly could have turned out to truly be our last.

According to news and police reports (that we became aware of a few days later), an armed (with an AK-47 rifle) man was caught in the parking lot of Justin's pharmacy before he had the chance to go in the store to rob the place and get his methadone pain killers. Justin was the only pharmacist on duty at the time.

Here's a link to the actual story:

After we found out what happened, Justin and I counted our blessings and said our prayers that everything turned out the way that it did. I hate thinking about how differently things could have easily turned out. I thank God that this wasn't truly our last Christmas, and I can't wait for our next one...with a little 9-month old Baby Yasette crawling all over the place and getting into everything :-)

On that note, I'll end this post with a few fun Christmas related pictures, simply because I have nowhere else to put them. Enjoy!
We went to Opryland Hotel to check out the Christmas lights. Apparently I'm more pregnant than Mary was, and I still have 2 months to go!

My 28 week belly shot.

Cloth diapers galore!

After hours of research (thanks, Laura and Matt and Google!), Justin and I have decided that we are going to try our hand at cloth diapering. I'm a little (okay, a lot) nervous about it, but the diapers are so gosh-darn cute, that I'm also pretty excited about the concept of dressing Baby Girl Y in adorable little diapers! It almost makes me a little sad that she's just going to end up pooping in them...I mean, look at these:

Cute, right?

So pretty....

Anyway, I'm kind of proud of my ever-growing cloth diaper stash. We've got ourselves a nice mixture of sizes and types (who knew that there were so many diaper options out there?!?) to get us started, and it'll be interesting when we finally put all of our YouTube training (i.e. "how to put on a prefold" and "how to use a snappi" to name a few) to good use!

The beginnings of our cloth diaper collection, put on display on our new changing table/dresser!

Baby Shower Time!

My two bestest friends from high school were sweet enough to throw me a baby shower over Christmas break! We all had a grand 'ole time playing games that included throwing "poop" into "diapers" and testing out (mostly disgusting) baby food. We ate tasty treats and opened the cutest baby presents. Most importantly, we all enjoyed each other's company and are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby Girl Yasay to enjoy her newly acquired goodies!

Baby food taste test.

As You can see, baby food is not so tasty!

Enjoying each other's company.

Tasty petit fours!

Poop throwing!

Grandma-to-be and me!
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