Monday, November 26, 2012

Dear Xavier - 5 Months

Dear Xavier,

This month we celebrated Thanksgiving, and oh how we had lots to be grateful for this year! You continue to prove that, despite being born early and with minor complications, you are a fighter and are determined to be strong, healthy, and happy.

At your four-month checkup last month, your pediatrician was so impressed with your growth and weight (around 12 pounds now!) and the skills that you're mastering already. She said that, if she didn't know better, she wouldn't have guessed that you were the 'lil fragile preemie that you once were.

You're even practically off your supplemental oxygen! We still have your tanks and concentrator to use on an "as needed" basis, but we haven't had to use them in ages. I'm pretty sure we will be rid of them for good after your next checkup in a couple of weeks.

And, after quite an ordeal with insurance, you were finally approved for Synagis, the monthly injection to help protect you from RSV. Even though I am still taking every precaution I possibly can to keep you healthy this winter, I am very relieved that you are getting this extra bit of protection. I continue to pray that we can ward off sickness in this house so that we can all remain cold/flu/RSV-free this season.

All in all, we can't get over how happy you are. Your smiles are endless, your chuckles are precious. I will never stop saying it: I.Am.Blessed.



Here are a few of my favorite pictures/videos of the month:

Proof that your sister loves you.

She even thinks you worthy of gold stickers.

Some skills that you're mastering:

You love going for walks.

And you love Daddy, too.

We love you.

And your sister, too.

Our family on Thanksgiving

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