Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dear Xavier - Eight Months

Dear Xavier,

Happy eight months, buddy! Like all the other ones, this month seemed to really fly by. As far as milestones, you're slowly starting to sit up on your own. You've also become a rolly-polly baby; unfortunately, all of the rolling makes for restless sleep because you end up every which way in your mini crib and get yourself stuck in a corner. Silly boy.

The best part about this past month or so is seeing your relationship with your sister develop. You love watching her play, and I can already see just how much you look up to her. When she gets upset, it is almost inevitable that you - with your sensitive old soul - will start to cry out of empathy. In the same light, your sister absolutely adores you, too. She loves giving you random hugs and kisses throughout the day, and she is always quick to help feed you or bathe you or just simply make you feel better when you are sad.

This upcoming month is going to be a busy one for you. We've got doctor's appointments galore again - a (hopefully) final checkup with the pulmonologist to make sure that you're still thriving off of supplemental oxygen, a visit with your cardiologist to check in on your heart murmur and PDA, a standard hearing screening due to your preemie-ness, your last Synagis shot to round out flu/cold/RSV season, and, of course, your 9-month well baby check-up with your pedi. Whew. We're continuing to pray that the doctors will find you in great health, and that all of the appointments go well.

I'm trying to cherish every moment of your "baby" phase because it really is just going by too quickly. This may mean that you get extra snuggles with mommy while your sister is sleeping. Just don't tell her, okay?

I love you.



And here are a few random shots from this month:

Lovin' on Rupert.

Starting to outgrow more 3-6 month clothes.

Not so sure about your jumparoo.

Being a good sport and allowing your sister to play dress-up.

Admiring your handsome self.

My smiley, happy baby.

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