Sunday, November 17, 2013


June 2012
June 2013

It's too easy to forget your child's early struggles or another mom's hardships when you are dealing with your current everyday problems.  And it's also a harsh reality check when something heart-wrenching and seemingly unfathomable happens and you realize that you need to just stop and simply cherish.  Cherish your sweet children and the moments you have with them.

Over a week ago, a friend of mine gave birth to her son at 28 weeks.  We had been chatting for a bit, as she wanted to read up on life in the NICU with an early preemie.  And, selfishly, I struggled.  It brought up a lot of memories that I didn't want to relive - those long days of visiting Xavier in the NICU with another little one tagging along, the roller coaster ride of emotions, the apnea and chronic lung issues, et al - and, as much as I was trying to help her, it just made me sad knowing that she was gearing up to go through a similar long NICU stay of her own.

Then, yesterday, things took a turn for the worse and we lost sweet baby Case at a mere 10 days old.

My heart is broken for her and her family. I can't even begin to imagine what they are going through right now.  I am literally in pain thinking about their anguish at this time.  I am hurting for my friend and am praying that she can find peace and overcome this truly difficult time.

And I am thinking about my own 'lil preemie and how he drives me crazy with his rambunctiousness and lack of sleeping-through-the-night and how he still can't let go of drinking milk from bottles instead of sippy cups.   And I cry because even though he makes me want to tear my hair out and he manages to get sick all.the.time, I can still hug him tight and see his sweet smile and hear that heart-melting giggle.

As it happens, November is the month to remember pregnancy and infant losses and today just happens to be World Prematurity Day.  So I am lifting up in prayer sweet baby Case, my own sister Christine, and all of those babies that left the earthly world too early and are waiting for us in heaven.

Because today, and hopefully every day, I want to cherish.

To read more about baby Case's journey, read here: Our Baby Case.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Run, Run, Run Part Three

In case you need a recap, here's the back story.

So, this past weekend marked Half Marathon Number 3 for the year.

Going into it, I was somehow even LESS prepared than Half Marathon Number 2 in September.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I could count on one hand the number of runs I had done since then, not to mention the total number of miles run on both hands.

As with last time, things just seemed to get in the way.  I was still battling gastrointestinal issues and had that lovely colonoscopy and endoscopy last month, only to find no answers.  Then, like last time, Xavier got sick.  And then the day before the half, BOTH kids came down with fevers and I was thisclose to canceling.  Justin, of course, being the supportive guy he is, reassured me that he could take care of the sick children while I did my thing, and so I did.  Albeit begrudgingly.

I went into it with no expectations.  It was a cold morning, so I was optimistic that the weather would help me run faster, but with as little training as I had done, I wasn't really gonna sweat it either way.  I just wanted to do it.

What struck me while waiting to begin was a small group of women wearing matching shirts that read "Preemie Mafia."  I didn't talk to them, but from what I could gather, these women all had premature babies, and they banded together in friendship while in the NICU and decided to run the half marathon together.  Of course, that got me thinking of my sick 'lil imp at home, and I knew that this run was gonna be done for him.  And his sister.  And my husband who was taking care of them.

But, man, once the race kicked off, time just seemed to go by soooooooo sloooooooow.  I thought that I was pacing myself well, but since I didn't wear my running watch and there were no pace timers on the course, I really just had no idea how well/not well I was running.  And then there was miles 7-11.  It was an out-and-back stretch going into Shelby Bottoms Greenway and then back downtown.  It was long, and I was getting discouraged seeing all of the runners ahead of me.  To top it off, they ran out of water at mile 10.  As a result,  I got bored so I started walking.  And I am still kicking myself for walking because when I started running again after a mile or so, I felt great and ready to finish.  My final time was 2:26:51.....which only meant that if I hadn't started walking, I would have probably shaved off another 8 minutes or so.  UGH.....

Anyway, I did it.  After a very trying and difficult 2012, I am finishing 2013 with three half marathons under my belt.  My first was a PR (which happened to be done in the rain), my second was amidst health issues, and my third was for my family.

This time I really am temporarily retiring.  But I do have my sights set on a Ragnar Relay next year.  Anyone interested?

And, special thanks to my running buddy, Stacy, who ran all three with me and provided much needed encouragement along the way.

Y'all, it's Fall!

My $6 pumpkin
Fall has always been my favorite time of year with leaves changing, apple picking, pumpkin patching, trick-or-treating and everything else that goes with it.

What was so great about this year was that Lissie actually understood more of what was happening and Xavier wasn't stuck at home and could actually participate.  It made for some fun family memories.  What made things even more fun was when my mom whipped out a few of my old costumes, and Lissie utilized them in her many costume changes of the season.

Here are a few of my favorite pics:

At Cheekwood LIGHTS exhibit


Bouncy House Happiness at Oktoberfest

We found these two pumpkins at Franklin's PumpkinFest.
Our 'lil John Deere

Mommy on the left, Lissie on the right.  Eerily alike!

Halloween Party at the Meolis
Trunk or Treatin' at MDO/Reusing last year's costumes
A Tootsie Roll getting a Tootsie Roll

The sweetest donut you ever saw.
There's no such thing as a plain pumpkin costume, so he was a backwards jack-o-lantern.

Pumpkin Painting
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El Dia de los Muertos at Cheekwood

She really can't get enough of these bouncy houses.

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