We made it halfway through the
She's an avid "reader," a pro at the alphabet and counting. She loves to sing and write and play pretend. Even when you think she's not paying attention, she is. And, arguably, she has a better memory than an elephant. That bird poop incident six months ago? She STILL talks about it daily. "Bird poop, right here <points to shoulder>. Mommy helped. Xay-a was there."
Here are her current likes:
- Xavier - most of the time.
- Ice cream and cake. She loves them so much she looks so angry as she devours them.
- Doc McStuffins and pretending to be a doctor, giving checkups to her baby dolls, Curious George, and Rupert.
- Art projects. Thank goodness Tuesdays for Tots is back in session since we have been running out of creative ideas at home!
- Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. (We find ourselves singing the jingles for everything. i.e. "Lissie, do you need to potty? Remember Daniel Tiger says 'If you need to go potty, stop and go right away!'" or "Don't Forget Daniel Tiger wants us to 'Clean up, pick up, put away!'")
- Nature Walks. She loves to go on long walks with Rupert, carrying a walking stick and a bucket to gather her finds.
- "Lissie's School" (MDO) and "Mommy's School" (daycare).
- Trying new things. Stomping on grapes at the Italian Lights Festival? Sure, no problem for this girl!
- Praying and Jesus. She loves going to church (we've stopped using the nursery now because she wants to see Jesus), and she enjoys kneeling in prayer. And, if we ever forget to pray before meals, she will definitely keep us in line!
- Daddy and his silly ways.
- Xavier - when it comes to sharing, especially snacks.
- Sadly, daddy. It is not unusual for her to give daddy the cold shoulder, especially when he's coming from a long work stretch. It's heart-breaking to see her be so mean to her daddy, but I suppose it's just her coping mechanism to deal with him when he's away.
Her smile and laugh are contagious, and it makes for lots of fun times in this household. Here's a few of our recent favorite Lissie pics.
Love.That.Girl. So. Much.