Made by Xavier (with assistance) at Cheekwood's Tuesday for Tots |
Leading up to this Mother's Day, I was holding my breath hoping that neither of my kiddos would need an emergency trip to the ER. Thankfully, God blessed me with the most relaxing and wonderful day that I could ask for.
The night before, my dear sweet Lissie showed off some of her threenager colors during her bedtime routine which left me frustrated and had to call in reinforcements (i.e. Justin) to take over her bath so that we could all calm down. After saying a few Hail Marys for patience and apologies on both sides, everything quickly reverted back to normal.
But the whole experience served to remind me that Mama Mary is my most perfect example of grace, patience, and love. In my times when I am at my wit's end, I just need to remember to look to her for guidance and ask for her help and pray for her intercession.
Which is why, as much as I wished that I could celebrate Mother's Day with my own mama, I am thrilled that she is spending these two weeks with my dad on a blessed spiritual pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, and other amazing places that I can only dream of going one day. Because what better way to spend Mother's Day than with everyone's mother: Mary.
So, to start off our Sunday, I saved a few of the flowers that Lissie and Xavier gave me so we could offer it up to Mary after Mass. We also had a delicious breakfast of strawberry (freshly picked a few days before!) pancakes and a couple of presents and pretty artwork to open.
Butterfly by Lissie at MDO |
Thumbprint flowers by Lissie (yellow) and Xavier (blue) |
After Mass, Justin graciously took the children off my hands for a few hours all to myself. I decided to spend the time cutting fabric (my next project: mother/daughter matching skirts!), sewing (I finished a few reusable sandwich/snack bags!), and going on a short two mile run. It.Was.Glorious! A win-win for all, for sure.
Daddy/Kiddo picnic outing at the zoo |
Crafting Time!!! |
The day ended playing outside with the kids while Justin grilled tasty spinach/feta/turkey burgers along with oven baked fries and a dessert of strawberry (of course, right?) pie. Delish!
I am blessed beyond belief for my little family and all of the graces God has given to me because of them. I am so grateful that Our Father entrusted me to be the mother of my two wonderful children. I am a Happy Mother. Indeed.