School wrapped up on Tuesday, and we've already started the summer with a bang!
As soon as I found out that the Franklin Y had opened their pool early, you bet we made it there right after school ended to get the summer off on the right foot!
Lissie's starting to be a budding photographer. |
Another photo courtesy of Lissie |
On Wednesday, Lissie asked Lola to take her shopping with her graduation money. And of course a shopping trip isn't complete without a treat! Luckily Xavier was content with riding bikes and going to Kroger and getting a cookie with me.....
We laid low on Thursday - a park, the Y, and lots (and lots) of games.
But Friday was more of a production as we went with a friend and her two kiddos to a newfound Nashville "beach." The kids had a blast with the sand and splashing in the lake. We easily could've stayed longer than we did, but we wanted to get home to see Daddy. I can see some more trips here throughout the summer!
Because it is important to water the lake. |
This was the kid who spent last year hating sand and water! |
Saturday was my intended pool day, but a quick glance at the forecast when I woke up made me change plans. The pool would be freezing and there was a good chance of storms, so we postponed the pool for Monday and, at the last minute, hopped in the car for the two hour trip to Chattanooga where we went to the aquarium, splashed in the rocks nearby, had a yummy picnic, and walked over the bridge to Coolidge Park to carousel, splash, and have some ice cream. So fun!
The penguins were off exhibit when we visited in March! |
They happily walked with me over the pedestrian bridge when they realized that ice cream was in store on the other side, haha. |
Missing his nap and wanting his ice cream. |
"I'll watch your bag, mommy." |
Happy with his chocolate chocolate chunk! |
Ice cream cheers! |
Yesterday was Mass day, of course, and we had the bonus of having cake after church in honor of Father's ordination anniversary. We also ventured to Pegram for a friend's cookout. It really was a perfect Sunday. (I just don't have the pics to prove it. Haha.)
And today, after a morning at one Y to get in a quick run, we made our way to another Y and spent the rest of the day there. We used up an expiring Groupon for Jet's Pizza for our picnic by the pool, and the kids loved grazing on all of the fruits and snacks that we packed to enjoy at each rest period. We stayed until the pool closed and ended the day grilling on the fire pit and having some s'mores.
Five hours at the pool and they couldn't last the five minute drive home.
(Neither could Justin.) |
So I left them in the car (it was running) for a little bit
while I enjoyed some alone time on the hammock. |
And then I felt bad, so I got them from the car but they were still tired. |
And eventually, somehow, they kicked me off the hammock..... |
The rest of the summer is bound to be full of excitement, as well. We've got our Myrtle Beach trip planned in July, a few mini getaways - to Nashville (haha- using our leftover timeshare points for a little staycation), Atlanta, and most likely a camping trip or two, as well as a return trip to Chattanooga, summer camp at school, VBS, and Fun & Laughter camp. And, of course, trips to splashpads and pools to round things out. Whew!
Happy, happy summer!