How can one child be so kind and so sweet, yet so exhausting and exasperating all at the same time? You keep us on our toes all the time, and life is always an adventure with you. I wouldn't have it any other way!
You are so thoughtful and considerate - even requesting vanilla ice cream to go with your birthday cake because you wanted Lolo to enjoy it (since all he eats is vanilla, and you knew he wouldn't care for a chocolate cake). You also know that I like your stuffed animal FooFoo, and many times I find her waiting on my bed because you want me to snuggle with her at night.
Yet, at the same time, you have your too-often moments where I wonder if your hearing needs to be checked because I'm unsure whether or not you are listening. Or you push my buttons just a little too far to see what you can get away with. And, I know that most of the time it's because you're my little free spirit jokester who just wants to have a good time, but we still need a lot of work on knowing when it's appropriate to be goofy and when it's not.
But what a year! You graduated from kindergarten with flying colors! You're a great reader, but math is definitely your forte. Your teacher often says that you're always eager to learn and participate and are a sweet friend. You even got a Best Effort award for all of your hard work! You've also been busy with lots of extra-curricular activities throughout the year - cross-country, basketball, swimming, and most recently violin lessons. And, apparently, you are also quite the Ladies' Man - having won the hearts of many of your girl classmates. Sigh.
You are also Lolo's special buddy, which is no surprise because you are pretty much his little duplicate. You love to joke around together, wrestle, eat snacks, and play bowling on the Wii. Like Lolo, you've never met a stranger, you can nap just about anywhere and at any time, and you can make people laugh in no time.
As always, you always manage to have the best birthday experiences. One of the perks in having a summer birthday is that it's easy to plan special vacations around your big day. This year, we spent time in Orlando and went on a Disney cruise just a few days before you turned six. Lucky duck!
But, wow, it's hard to believe you are now six. Time sure flies when you're always on your toes! I can't wait to see what this next year will bring - it's bound to be an exciting one with you!
Stay sweet, kid. Always. I love you.
Favorite things from this past year:
- wii
- tacos, burgers, hot dogs
- swimming
- watching TV
- playing the violin
- hanging out with sister
- board games
- sleeping
Least favorite things from this past year:
- getting in trouble
- when things are difficult or don't come easily
- asparagus
- getting woken up from naps
And, of course, your birthday video: