Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dinner with the Pros

Justin and I are rapidly realizing that we are absolutely clueless about the logistics in raising a baby! Sure, we can do internet research and buy all the baby books...and yes, we can ask our folks for advice, but who better to turn to then two of our good friends who are going through this process as we speak?

So, yesterday, we had dinner with Matt, Laura, and Baby Lily (who was born just over two months ago).

And, boy, was it productive!

We got lots of good advice about strollers (who needs two when you can get one really nice jogging one?) to cloth diapers (environmentally friendly and easy...if we do a diaper service) to the ins and outs of being first time parents (it is apparently possible to spend several hours doing nothing else but staring at your baby).

I feel much more confident about being able to handle this whole parenting thing. It will be a learning process, to be sure, but I think Justin and I have it in us to do a pretty decent job. (Of course, saying my prayers and crossing my fingers can't hurt, either.)

Oh, and just for fun, here's a picture of Lily's outfit:

Well, sort of - hers is purple. But the reason why I am showing it is because it is super cute and from Alaska. Hmm...I wonder where she got it? :-)

Thanks, Matt, Laura, and Lily! I have a feeling we'll be getting together again soon for more advice :-)

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm not sure "pros" is an accurate description of us, but we sure enjoyed dinner!

    (And I think you guys are going to be great parents.)


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