Yesterday, Justin and I went to yet another class at Baptist to further ensure that we're doing all we can to be adequately prepared for Baby Girl Y.
One of the things that our instructor told us was that for the first six weeks post-delivery, the mother only has two jobs: to recover and to feed the baby. She made us repeat that mantra outloud to her several times. Apparently, the husband/support person is supposed to take care of the rest, and a dirty house is totally acceptable, and blah, blah, blah....
Okay, so maybe this is me just being a totally naive first-time mom, but really? For six weeks that's all I get to do? I just can't imagine that the recovery and feeding process is all that difficult and time-consuming. I also can't see myself letting go and putting Justin in charge of keeping the house in order....yikes.
Another bit of advice that has been given to me by several people is this: sleep when the baby is sleeping. This doesn't make much sense to me at all, either. Again, when in the world will anything get accomplished since whenever the baby will be awake, I'm obviously going to have to attend to her?
I dunno. I'm sure all of you who've had young children are all laughing at my gullible and innocent view of how little my life will change in two (yes, TWO!!!) weeks...but honestly, it can't be THAT difficult....right?