Sunday, February 6, 2011

Newborn Care Classes

Justin and I admit to know very little about children under the age of 5, much less newborns freshly exposed to the world.

Being a person who likes to know exactly what I'm getting myself into, I have been doing nonstop research about pregnancy and babies since July. I've gotten tons of literature on the topics, subscribed to several magazines, and have done countless browsing on legit (and somewhat questionably legit) websites on the 'net.

That's just a sampling of the books I've been reading.

Anyway, in addition to all of this research, Justin and I attended two classes at two different local hospitals to fully ensure that we'll be prepared come March 9th. We attended a "What to Expect from a C-Section Delivery/Bringing Home the Baby" class at Baptist (which included a tour of the hospital where we'll be delivering!) as well as a Newborn Care class at Vanderbilt.

Let me tell you, I think we both left the classes- not feeling better about caring for our own newborn, but feeling even more overwhelmed by our lack of knowledge. I think Justin was especially worried when I tried to put a shirt on a baby doll and did it upside-down and backwards. Poor Justin is also pretty terrified of giving the baby a bath and made sure that we read the poster that was hanging on the wall several times so that it'll be ingrained in his memory. He's also a little more nervous than me (and I'm pretty terrified) about this whole breastfeeding thing - how it works exactly and what his job is supposed to be during the whole thing. Oh, and when he tried on the empathy belly he really was sympathetic to the cause!

Yikes. What in the world did we sign up for come March 9th?!?

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