Monday, October 31, 2011

It's Fall, Y'all!

I. Love. Fall.

I love all of the oranges and reds as the leaves change color. I love the crisp sound of the fallen leaves during a cool run in the woods. I love all things pumpkin and apple and butternut squash. And, of course, I love that my birthday usually marks the first day of fall.

So, naturally, I had a blast introducing Lissie to my favorite season.

We enjoyed putting her in a pumpkin:

We enjoyed eating the pumpkin that we put her in:

(I had made the tastiest pumpkin/blue cheese soup, pumpkin cupcakes, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin bread, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and, of course, roasted pumpkin seeds.)

Lissie enjoyed eating pumpkin, butternut squash, and acorn squash:

We went to a Baby's First Halloween Party dressed as the Baker and her Cupcake:

We also squeezed in a trip to the pumpkin patch:

Hope you all are having a fabulous fall season, like we are! Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Dear Lissie - Seven Months

Dear Lissie,

We are learning more and more about your personality with each passing day.

* You are a silent observer. When you're with your friends, you like to quietly watch what everyone else is doing and when we get home, you like to mimic what you've seen. I think this is what caused you to master the art of sitting up last month (you saw Oliver do it, and you wanted to do it, too)...and why you're now looking poised and ready to crawl (just don't do it too soon - daddy still needs to put up the baby gates)!

* You don't like pain (but then again, who does?). You've been extra fussy and haven't been sleeping well lately...and we learned that it's because you're cutting your first two teeth! They're still just barely above the surface (I wouldn't have known they were there if I don't spend every chance I get feeling your gums for signs of teeth), but it definitely explains why you've been crabby. Poor girl.

* You love food. But of course, you're daddy's daughter, so are we really that surprised? We've started rice cereal and peas (both made you constipated, so we had to stop). We then tried sweet potatoes, but that coincided with an extra rough night's sleep so I'm afraid to try it again in case that was the culprit. But you are a pro at oatmeal! So far you've loved everything we've given much so that you open your mouth wide and cry if the spoon doesn't get to you fast enough.

* You don't like being away from me for too long. Oh, Lissie - you have to learn that sometimes I need to get a cup of coffee or use the bathroom, too. Even if you can hear my voice, you still aren't satisfied until I am well within your sight. It was cute at first, but I can sense this being a bit of a problem very quickly.

But, of course, I love you. More than you know.



Here are some pics and videos from this month!

First attempt at solids (rice cereal): success!

MMMmmm....sweet potatoes!

Dressed in your lederhosen (refer to this post)

Whatchu lookin' at?

Lissie's first double date

Petting Rupert


Calling Daddy (and practicing your comedic timing)

Cheekwood - Trains and Scarecrows!

We recently went to Cheekwood Botanical Gardens to check out their Trains exhibit, as well as their annual scarecrows.

We had fun playing with the moving picture frames:

And looking at the scarecrows:

And checking out the trains:

And taking fun pictures:

Asian "Con-fusion."

Getting in touch with my roots...haha.

Lissie's panda impression.

Just a pretty waterfall.
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