Despite being married to a pharmacist, we had no working thermometer in the house, so I was unable to take her temperature to confirm my suspicions that my baby girl had her first ever fever.
She slept well that night, so I thought that her little spell was short-lived, but she woke up very cranky and when I took her temperature with our fancy new thermometer that daddy brought home from work, we realized that she was, indeed, sick. She spent most of Saturday crying uncontrollably, which made me sad and worried and frustrated as I kept wishing that I could understand what was wrong since she couldn't communicate with words. Thankfully, even though Justin was working, my mom was able to come over and help take care of sweet, sick Lissie. In between bouts of wailing and refusing to eat, she managed to rest a little (albeit in our arms) and even watched her first ever TV shows (Sesame Street, by the way, is still very cool).
Just before Justin came home from work, it was like a switch had been flipped. Lissie went from being a sad, miserable tot to being a giggly, smiley gal who was actually starting to eat and drink a little bit and show interest in her toys. She definitely wasn't back to her normal self, but things were looking to be on the mend.
Fast forward to Father's Day. Lissie woke up relatively early at 6am, so Justin and I decided that we'd go ahead and go to Mass at 7:30am. Unfortunately, Lissie had other plans. Her fever was back, and she had become a huge clingy crankster. She didn't even want to be held by her daddy, which made him sad, especially since it was his special day.
After a morning nap, though, Lissie's fever was gone so we decided to bring daddy some lunch at work. She may not have been fussy, but she definitely wasn't very happy and looked absolutely miserable and sad almost the entire time we were there. Poor Justin.
She wasn't her bubbly self by the evening, either, but we still went ahead and had the grandparents come over for a special Father's Day dinner. She managed to eat and drink and play for a bit, but it was obvious to everyone that she still wasn't feeling 100% better.
Today marks her first fever free day, yet she's still not eating and wanting to play. I'm sure she has cabin fever like me, so we've already spent some time outside playing with our water table and some finger paints.
I was getting excited because she looked like she was eating some more, but it turns out that she was just having fun feeding Rupert through the baby gates.
Sigh. At least she was amusing herself, I guess.
She's napping now, which I'm grateful for. Hopefully when she wakes up she'll continue to be on the mend.
I'm also grateful that we've managed to go over fifteen months without any sort of illness. I always knew that she'd get sick one day, but I'm glad it looks like it's nothing terribly serious and nothing I need to call the doc for. I'm also VERY thankful that my mom was here to help. Lissie, for sure, is loved. And we all want her to get better. ASAP.
Happy Father's Day to daddy and the lolos. Sorry Lissie wasn't her normal self, but be rest assured that she loves you all very VERY much.
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