Saturday, January 26, 2013

First Thoughts on Potty Training

Way back at Lissie's 18-month checkup, her pediatrician said that she was showing potty training readiness signs. Of course this had to coincide with Xavier's homecoming, so even though we bought a potty and showed it to her, we didn't really stress using it nor did we care enough to correct her when she started play-eating out of it as if it were a bowl. After a couple of days, we just nixed the idea altogether and put the potty away.

Fast-forward to now. A few of Lissie's like-aged friends have already started full-on potty training and, as if I don't already have enough on my plate, I decided that it was time to go at it again ourselves.

We started by bringing the potty back out from the closet. I took it as a good sign that she wasn't as interested in taking it apart and pretending it was a drum, so we trudged on to the next step.

And that would be sitting on it with clothes on. Getting her to sit still for any reason besides watching Elmo or Dora is a challenge, so I took the few seconds here and there that I could get. Simultaneously, we checked out several potty-themed books from the library. Her interest had successfully been piqued.

Now the fun began: naked time galore. As soon as she needed to go, we ran to the potty and began ridiculous clapping, praising, and hugging. It only took a few days for her to run to it herself, use the potty, and then with her classic shy, pleased grin hold out her hand for a high-five.

We are now deep in the midst of the next step of the process: pull-up training pants. We have a few cloth ones and a few disposable. When we first used the cloth, she was so excited about it that she kept pulling them on and off while pointing to the page in her potty book with all of the cool underwear and saying "uh-dees, uh-dees!" with delight. Unfortunately, she would also miss her potty cue and soon enough we'd hear an "uh-oh" and find her in the midst of a puddle reminiscent of those movies where a pregnant woman's water breaks in a grocery store aisle. So, I decided to nix the cloth for now and we've moved to the disposable kind even though I was worried that it would feel too diaper-like for her. Thus far, the verdict is mixed. She's pretty successful with #1, but 0-2 for #2....however, she prefers to just take them off altogether and run around without clothes on at all.

Which leads me to the point of this post. I, in my ignorant inexperience at potty-training anything other than my dog, had no idea how many darn steps there would be. Who knew that you not only needed to get them aware to go in the potty...but you need them to do it with clothes on...and then go in an actual toilet...and then eventually take them out and about and use a public restroom or (yikes) a port-o-potty...and I don't even want to think about the night-time training.

Oh, boy. We've only just begun this new phase in parenting and, while I'm thrilled that we've gotten the successes that we've had so far, I am beyond overwhelmed with all that's left to do. Hmmmm - that previous sentence can apply to just about anything a parent goes through, not just potty training :-)

And, of course, a handful of embarrassing and incriminating Lissie photos.

Naked Karaoke

Paying the bills.

A throwback to her baby days.

Dear Xavier - Seven Months

Dear Xavier,

Sweet, sweet, boy with your dark expressive eyes and melt-your-heart smile. I could just pinch your cheeks and give you a big squeeze and be content forever. Seriously.

This has been a big month for you, not just because you've started rice cereal (and still hate it, by the way), and can roll over both ways (even though you primarily only do it when you are mad and then get even madder when you find yourself in a different position), but mainly because I'm slowly starting to introduce you to the wide, wide world outside of our home and doctors' offices. You have perused the aisles of Costco, Target, and, yes, begrudgingly, even Walmart. I know that we're still in the midst of flu/cold/RSV season, and that is why we don't go out too often (and when we do I run the other way if I hear so much as a sniffle), but sometimes we just need to get out of the house in order to maintain our sanity...and get groceries...and earrings for your sister.

You're also quite the magician. Your newest trick (now that you've fully transitioned to being in your mini-crib unswaddled - yay!) is to wind up asleep 180 degrees from how we set you down so that your head is where your feet used to be. And, despite watching you on the video monitor, we still have no idea how you do it.

All in all, you're doing everything just right. You're growing and developing at the exact pace you should be. Keep up the great work!

I love you.



A chilly winter walk.

Your first snow experience.

Post-bath cuteness.


In awe over your first Target experience.

Exhausted after nine straight hours of sleeping through the night.

This was all your sister's doing....

Learning how to use your laptop.

Your sis was happy to see you after her nap.

Eying Lissie's toy.

Enjoying an "ice storm" fort.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lissie's Pal, Jesus

Tomorrow Lissie will be 22 months old. Two months shy of two.

As is typical of this age, she loves to play pretend and mimic things she sees. She adores her dolls and stuffed animals, and it's not uncommon for me to find Elmo staring at me from her doll stroller or see Minnie Mouse in Xavier's car seat.

But, lately, her "doll" of choice is Jesus.

I keep a small wooden crucifix on my nightstand. About a month ago, around the time when I was teaching Lissie the story of Christmas, she found it. I explained that it was Jesus, and ever since then, Jesus has been found everywhere. First, I found him in Xavier's crib (in what I can only imagine was her attempt at giving Jesus a comfortable bed to lay in instead of a lowly manger). Sometimes he'd be on my pillow.

She even took care to make sure he was fed.

After a couple of weeks, Jesus had been picked up and carried and dropped so many times, that he came loose from the cross. And the tiny metallic figure has become her best friend. She constantly kisses and hugs him. When I'm not looking, she places him in Xavier's Bumbo or swing. Yesterday, while I gave Xavier a bath, she thought that Jesus needed one, too.

And it's cute. And probably a little odd.

But, I suppose, it's nice to know that she befriended our Savior.

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