A wine tasting, Brazilian steakhouse, and a delicious dinner cooked by my husband. That was the plan for Mother's Day weekend.
A sick baby, a crabby toddler, and a trip to the ER is what I ended up receiving.
It all started about a week ago when Xavier had a runny nose. No big deal - we had been spending a ridiculous amount of time enjoying beautiful weather outside, so it must be allergies, right? Then Lissie got a runny nose, too. Still allergies or their first shared cold? We weren't so sure. Lissie got better, Xavier got worse. On Tuesday, he was his usual self except for a slight temperature. Wednesday was the same - except his temp spiked to 102. Being a preemie with prior lung issues, that is the magic number that constitutes a trip to the pediatrician's office, where they detected a slight wheeze and started him on breathing treatments. He seemed to be getting better and on the mend by Friday's follow-up checkup.
And then things quickly started to spiral downward. He skipped a feeding or so, he wouldn't wake up, and his breathing was getting faster and faster. We called the pedi just to see what they would say, and we heard the words that we weren't expecting nor did we want to hear: "Take him immediately to the ER. Do you need an ambulance?" Yeah, you can imagine that I was a mess with tears and fear for my sweet little baby.
We declined the ambulance, and Justin left immediately with Xavier while I followed as soon as Lola came over to watch Lissie. By the time I got there, they were in a room marked "Critical Care," and you can guarantee that didn't help me feel better about things. His breathing was still elevated and he was very lethargic while they started breathing treatments and took chest x-rays. His oxygen levels were dropping, so they put back that nasal cannula and pulse oximeter on him that we definitely didn't miss these past few months. The diagnosis was
bronchiolitis, a normally mild virus that unfortunately took a toll on Xavier due to his prematurity and already weakened lungs.
We were given a room where we just waited. Waited for Xavier to start perking up, start eating better, and stop needing that supplemental oxygen. On Saturday, I detected just one - ONE - smile from my normally happy, smiley baby. He was so sad, miserable, pitiful, and I felt so helpless for my little guy. Sunday, Mother's Day, practically just came and went. He was a little better but still not ready to go home.
It was eerily reminiscent of those NICU days - when Xavier needed oxygen and monitors and didn't want to take bottles. Days that I never wanted to relive again, and it made me so sad to see my little guy back in the hospital again.

Luckily, by the third day, Xavier decided he wanted to go home. He still isn't his happy self, but he's at least eating better and off of that oxygen. Oh, what a relief to be back at home as a family of four! We are all exhausted but so happy to be home, sweet home.
So, yeah, it didn't turn out at all like the Mother's Day weekend that I had planned. But the outcome is still the same: I have a beautiful, wonderful family and we are all healthy (or at least on the mend) and happy!