Dear Xavier,
This month was full of all sorts of surprises - some good, some not so much. You are now crawling up a storm, pulling yourself up, and cruising! It all happened in about a two week span, and boy has life changed for all of us as a result.
You.are.ALL.boy. Without a doubt. I can't leave for half a second without hearing a crash, a cry, or a "No, Xavier, no!" from Lissie or daddy or whoever might be with you. I never had this problem with Lissie - those safety locks in the kitchen were short-lived because she just wasn't interested in getting into anything. You? Ha. Anything's game. If it's not a toy, we can be sure you're gonna make a beeline for it. You are constantly on the move trying to figure out what's next to break or throw or place in your mouth. Silly, silly boy giving us a run for our money. Even Rupert is getting a workout because of you.
And because you are so active, it made us so so sad to see you so sick a few week's ago. You were so pitiful - not wanting to eat or play or even smile. Just sleep. For three days in the hospital and a week or so at home. It broke my heart not being able to do anything to make your feel better.

Oh, Xavier. As much as I love watching you grow and change into the toddler you are rapidly becoming, I miss my little teeny preemie. My baby. It's all happening fast. Too fast. And I'm trying so hard to cherish every moment before it's gone.

I love you.
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