Wednesday, March 9, 2016

She's 5! Dear Lissie

Dear Lissie,

Five.  5.  I have a five-year-old.  Wow.  Arguably no longer a "little kid," definitely not much of a "preschooler," and well on your way to being a big Kindergartener.

Every year and every birthday have been reminders of just how quickly you grow up, but this one is hitting me hard.  Soon I'll be dropping you off at big-kid school five days a week, which is not nearly the same as dropping you off across the hall while I teach my own class at your preschool.  I know you need this to foster that independence and grow and learn with your classmates and new friends, but I also know I'll miss you while you do it.

Because you truly are so fun to be around.  You're smart and caring and giggly and thoughtful and inquisitive and just all around amazing with your super big heart and smile.  You love your family and friends and, of course, your best buddy, Jesus.  

Oh, Lissie.  You ponder a lot about God and Jesus and Heaven and Mary, asking questions that are thought-provoking and hard for me to answer.  You have a sweet heart and long so much to see all of the saints and angels.  You've said to me many times that you can't wait to go to Heaven to see them - even knowing that it means you will be missed here.  "Don't worry," you say.  "I'll be having fun, and you'll get to come, too."  You often want to stop by the church after school to say a short hello to Jesus and Mary, and you always wants to say hi to any priest or sister that may be around - regardless of whether or not you know them personally.  

You are still very shy, but you're coming out of your shell more and more.  You've made great friends at school (which is easy when in a class of just eight equally awesome girls), and you've started taking ballet.  You're definitely not as social as your brother (who I often worry will just walk away with anyone who so much as smiles at him), but you are learning to hold your own.

You also have a big heart.  Ever since you saw me give my leftover lunch to a homeless man on the way to our car at school, you've insisted that we pray for him every night.  And when we see a needy person on the streets or someone selling the Contributor, you always want to help out.  We even started making Blessings Bags filled with toiletries, snacks, and other items to keep in our car so that you can give them out when we see someone who might need it.  And they are always, always, always in your nightly prayers.

And how smart are you!  You love to read and be read to and are motivated to read "learning books" on your own.  And all of the questions!  If you don't know something, you ask for help.  If you don't know a word, you ask what it means and immediately add it to your growing vocabulary repertoire.  Even I was surprised with the results of your Kindergarten Assessments!

Oh, Lissie.  I am so grateful that God has lent you to me.  You made me a mommy, and I love watching you grow and learn.

Happy happy birthday, sweet girl.  Stay amazing.



Some of your loves:
  • dancing
  • reading
  • going to church
  • broccoli
  • all things food, actually
  • princesses
  • dressing up
  • everything art 
  • picnics and playing at the park
  • playing piano
Some of your dislikes:
  • sharing with Xavier
  • when you don't get your way
  • radishes
  • "boring" stuff
Here's my Interview with a Five-Year-Old:

And some random pictures from the year: 
Silly goof at the park.
First Father/Daughter Dance
Serving lunch at an area homeless shelter on Valentine's Day
Trying your hand at your roller skates
(that you got for your birthday two years ago)
Getting ready for Kindergarten!
Loving all things art.
You refuse to let me help you choose a practical outfit.
You wear what you want to wear. 
Beach lover....even if it is just a Nashville "beach" 
First ballet class!
Doing what you do best: dress-up.
And somehow roping your brother into being your sister.
Finally faced you forward in your car seat!
One of your chats with your buddy, Jesus.
First piano lesson.

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