Monday, March 27, 2017

Lissie's Sixth Birthday Celebrations

Ah, March.  Lissie's birthday month.  As always, celebrations extended after her big day with a few more surprises in store before month's end.

Prior to her birthday, Lissie had been busy making plans.  Plans for her special birthday cereal (this year she opted, after perusing the cereal aisle for about ten minutes, for a special edition Reese's Puff's bunnies cereal) for her birthday breakfast.  Plans for her birthday dinner (she wanted chili and cornbread).  Plans for her cake for her birthday party (she decided on a princess castle cake).  Plans for a sweet treat for her class snack (she picked brownies).  Plans for her birthday dessert (a small ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins).  Everything was all planned out (which definitely made it easier on her mama)!

Her actual birthday went exactly the way she wanted, with a few surprises.  She came down to her six birthday balloons on her birthday chair.  She got to open her presents from us and the family.  She opted for a fancy dress to wear to school since she gets a free out of uniform day for her birthday.  Daddy threw her for a loop, though, by surprising her at school during lunchtime with a Happy Meal.  When I picked her up from school, she excitedly told us about all of the cards and nice things her friends did to help make her day special.  And she got to stay home and play with her new loot while her brother went to martial arts.  It was a perfect school-day birthday day.

Watching Lolo and Lola's video message as soon as she woke up!
All the goodies waiting for her to come downstairs! 
Even Rupert gave her a birthday kiss!

Someone had a hard time letting Lissie have her own special day.

Surprise McDonald's Happy Meal lunch with daddy!
The celebrations continued through the weekend at My Gym.  After checking out many birthday venues (Above All, Sky Zone, Glow Galaxy, to name a few) over Christmas break, Lissie said she really wanted a party that was just for her friends - not at a large place.  Since I wasn't really feeling having a party at the house, luckily (thanks to Xavier's godmother!) we happened upon My Gym - and it was perfect!  All of the kids had a blast, and the birthday girl was as happy as a clam!

She picked the cake.

She specially requested the zipline!
Pure bliss!

Who doesn't love a ball pit?
These teachers had so much energy -
I was exhausted just watching them!

Riding the bull

Running through the moving trees

Umm, yeah.  This also happened, haha!

They all had a blast!

Of course, when Lolo and Lola came back from the Philippines, they wanted to celebrate with the birthday girl, as well.  We had been intrigued by the chocolate pinata at Uncle Julio's, so this was the perfect excuse to check it out!  So much fun, and what a yummy treat!

My little cooker was fascinated by the tableside guac

Lissie still needs to redeem her annual birthday mommy/daughter tea date, but that will have to be postponed until April at this rate.  Who knew how busy our lives could get having a kindergartener and preschooler!

Still can't believe this girl is the big SIX.  Time sure flies when you're having fun!

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