Thursday, June 13, 2024

The last three and a half years in review

Time sure flies when you're having fun!  With a relatively free summer continuing to procrastinate doing some DIY home improvement projects, I found myself wanting to write.  And so here I am, a whole three and a half years after my last blog post  in 2020.

Our latest family photo outside the Schermerhorn Center,
 before seeing E.T. with the Nashville Symphony.

So, a brief recap of us:

  • Me.  I'm still teaching second grade at the same school and loving it.  It's hard to imagine doing anything else.  I'm in a good groove and I'm pretty decent at it, hence being named an Educator of the Week last year.  Still into running, sort of - I'm trying to get back into it despite working full-time and being the primary chauffeur of busy kiddos  - but I managed to squeeze in two half marathons in these three years!  I'm also still big into planning various adventures and keeping myself entertained and busy.

  • Justin.  He's still doing his pharmacist thing.  He's also always looking to leave his present job but is worried that the grass (and pay) won't be greener on the other side.  He continues to enjoy babying his car and being dragged into my crazy ideas.  He's also been a saint when it comes to helping with my dad, but more on that in a future post.  

  • Felicity.  Yes, she goes by her full name now, for what I can safely assume is her own right of passage into growing up.  She decided she was too cool to be at the same school as me last year, so she is now at the all-girls' school just seven minutes down the road.  To be honest, it's been the best experience for her.  She's made some fantastic friends and she has thrived in a more stringent academic environment.  She still is incredible with her cello, having been asked several times into the Honors Recital for the Middle Tennessee Suzuki Association.  She also plays volleyball and lacrosse.  It's hard to believe she's a year away from high school.

  • Xavier.  This boy is turning into an incredible young man.  He has not a shy bone in his body, having landed some great roles in his school musicals (Cogsworth in Beauty and the Beast, Jr. and Pinnochio in Shrek, Jr. to name a few!) and is a force to be reckoned with in forensics, where he has written some fantastic speeches for original oratory - namely on the history of roller coasters and also the benefits of YouTube!  He plays the violin and basketball.  He also can't decide between being a priest or a radiologist.  Good thing he's only going into seventh grade and has plenty of time to discern!

That'll do it for us!  Also, in the last 3.5 years we've gone on a few notable adventures:

  • July 2021 in Florida.  Our summer vacay that year was in Sandestin, where the highlight was a dolphin cruise/snorkel experience. 

  • June 2022 in the Philippines.  We spent almost a month in the Philippines, primarily in Manila, Baguio, and Bicol.  The kids got to meet many new-to-them family members and see some pretty awesome sights and, of course, eat some pretty amazing food!  

The kids got to meet my mom's side of the family in Bicol.

One of the highlights of our trip, even though I got stuck several times.

Poolside at the Peninsula Hotel

Getting back to our roots in Baguio, haha

Trying her hand at surfing
  • July 2023 in Michigan.  We had a big family reunion for a few graduation parties and a baby shower.  We also went up north to Mackinac Island and Traverse City for a stretch, which was so much fun!

    Family Reunion Cousin Time!

    Sleeping Bear Dunes

    My favorite thing was Mackinac at night and the quiet clip-clop of the horses.

    They forged their own souvenier knives!

  • March 2024 in California.  We decided to head west for Spring Break this year, seeing our west coast family and also getting in another ski trip in Big Bear.

Spending quality time with dad's brother and his wife, our most gracious hosts in Dana Point


Notice I'm not there.  On purpose, haha.

You can't do L.A. without a trip to Universal!

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