If you haven't already voted in our "Is it a Boy or a Girl?" poll in the top left corner of the blog, please do so! We're curious to know what you think!
Apparently, there are quite a few people who are banking on Baby Y being a boy. My folks were in Germany last month and came back with boy laderhosen! Yes, seriously...these:

They're super cute, and you can bet that even if Baby Y is a girl, we're going to sport her in them every once in a while, but how funny...
Even Justin himself, who all along has been saying that he needs a little boy to carry on the Y last name, is jinxing it when he purchased blue baby boy onesies from Ralph Lauren.
We'll find out soon enough, though, and I can't wait to do so.
In the meantime the old wives tales are cracking me up. Here are a few:
* My dad says that if the woman gets uglier during the pregnancy, it's a boy. If the woman is prettier, it's a girl. Umm, my dad thinks the baby is a boy...so what does that say about me?!?
* If you don't have morning sickness, it's a boy. I didn't have morning sickness at all, but I know of people who didn't either, and they had beautiful, healthy, girls.
* If the baby's heart rate is above 140 bpm it's a girl. Hmm....last checkup mine was 150 bpm....
* If you crave salty foods, it's a boy, Sweet foods, it's a girl. I haven't had many cravings, but if I were to want salty vs. sweet, I'd more often go for salty these days.
* History of your parents kids. Since I'm their first born and I'm a girl, my first born should therefore also be a girl.
And those are just a few. We've heard countless. It'll be interesting to find out what the truth will be. Since March can't come fast enough, let's hurry it up to October 29th!