If you haven't already voted in our "Is it a Boy or a Girl?" poll in the top left corner of the blog, please do so! We're curious to know what you think!
Apparently, there are quite a few people who are banking on Baby Y being a boy. My folks were in Germany last month and came back with boy laderhosen! Yes, seriously...these:

They're super cute, and you can bet that even if Baby Y is a girl, we're going to sport her in them every once in a while, but how funny...
Even Justin himself, who all along has been saying that he needs a little boy to carry on the Y last name, is jinxing it when he purchased blue baby boy onesies from Ralph Lauren.
We'll find out soon enough, though, and I can't wait to do so.
In the meantime the old wives tales are cracking me up. Here are a few:
* My dad says that if the woman gets uglier during the pregnancy, it's a boy. If the woman is prettier, it's a girl. Umm, my dad thinks the baby is a boy...so what does that say about me?!?
* If you don't have morning sickness, it's a boy. I didn't have morning sickness at all, but I know of people who didn't either, and they had beautiful, healthy, girls.
* If the baby's heart rate is above 140 bpm it's a girl. Hmm....last checkup mine was 150 bpm....
* If you crave salty foods, it's a boy, Sweet foods, it's a girl. I haven't had many cravings, but if I were to want salty vs. sweet, I'd more often go for salty these days.
* History of your parents kids. Since I'm their first born and I'm a girl, my first born should therefore also be a girl.
And those are just a few. We've heard countless. It'll be interesting to find out what the truth will be. Since March can't come fast enough, let's hurry it up to October 29th!
My ex-hairdresser MIL told me something about your hair being a good predictor of gender. My hair was awesome when I pregnant with my daughter...thicker, fuller, prettier-somehow...whereas apparently the boy-making hormones can make your hair dry out and get frizzy, or something like that. Aside from that and all the other wives' tale stuff, though...my gut told me it was a girl all along. Pete and I had anticipated having a girl first for the longest time, though, so who really knew whether it was intuition or just that mindset. But, sure enough, she's all girl.
ReplyDeleteI say follow your intuition--does Baby Y's personality seem more boy or girl to you? Or have you dreamed about baby? I think I was 24 weeks or so before I finally dreamed about her, but when I did, baby was a girl. :) Anyway...I'll have to check back next week when you find out!