Some time in college, though, I turned into "that girl." You know, the girl that cries at EVERYTHING. I don't know what changed me, but all of a sudden, I could cry at the drop of a hat. Cheesy commercials, a touching e-mail forward, or saying goodbye to that exchange student that I knew for four days on Semester at Sea, would all send me in a crazy crying tizzy.
Add being pregnant to that mix, and WHOA...
Here are a few examples of things that have made me cry these past four and a half months:
* Baby Halloween costumes. I was at Costco and just happened to see all of the cute little Halloween costumes and could just picture Baby Y all dressed up as a Pooh Bear or a hamburger or something equally precious. And I cried with anticipation.
* Dalmatian Baby Halloween Costumes. I was at Old Navy, and they also had baby Halloween costumes. And, OMG, they had the cutest dalmation costume. I could totally see Baby Y dressed up as a dalmatian and going door-to-door trick-or-treating with Rupert, my white Beagle mix with a black eye. How cute is that? Yep, made me cry.

* The Sign of Peace at Mass. Okay, it wasn't the Peace that made me cry. It was seeing the dad in the pew in front of me lean over to kiss his child during the sign of peace. Can't you see Justin doing that one day soon? Oh, yeah, got a little teary-eyed.
* Receiving the Eucharist. Now, being a second grade teacher who prepares students for their First Communion, this part of Mass always is special to me. But now that I can picture that each time I receive Jesus in my soul, that little Baby Y is also getting a piece of Jesus in his/her soul...WOW. Yeah, you bet that makes me tear up.
* Running out of dog food. Yes, you read that right. I cried because we ran out of dog food. No, rather, I cried because Justin was the last one to feed the dogs and used up all of the dog food and did not refill the dog food container when there was a perfectly good bag of dog food in the garage that he could have taken upstairs. Ah, but, my crying got me flowers this time. So all is good :-)
So, yeah, it's pretty clear that I'm obviously hormonal these days. Gotta love pregnant, more-emotional-than-usual me. :-)
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