Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dear Lissie - Five Months

Dear Lissie,

In this last month alone, you've grown up so much! How did you manage to do that? You met your friend Baby J who was born last month, and you look like you could eat her up, you're so big compared to her!

After seeing little Baby J, Daddy and I looked back at your newborn pics and couldn't even recognize that baby in those pictures. You've grown and changed so much!

Here are some things that have happened this last month:

* you love your toys. You didn't used to like toys that much, but now you can't get enough of them. Your favorites are your Sophie giraffe, your links, and your new dino that was supposed to be a Christmas gift but I couldn't wait.

* You can read. Well, you at least love storytime at the library and your crinkly cloth books. You even like to read to your friend Sophie. Sometimes you even fall asleep while reading. I think you're gonna be a bookworm like your mama!

* You've discovered, not only your hands, but your feet! The video below doesn't show it, but you've also gotten pretty good at putting your toes in your mouth.

* You can do the Hokey Pokey. You love this silly song/dance and can't get enough of it. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes is a close second favorite.

* You met your future husband, maybe. You even tried to console him when he was sad. How considerate of you.

* The biggest thing, though, that has happened this month is that you were finally ready to sleep in your crib at night. A few nights ago we tried Round Two (click here if you missed the post). It only took a few days for you to sleep through the night completely (from 9pm-8am!) Sometimes we have to go in your room to give you a paci, but overall you're a Crib-Sleeping Pro!

Oh, Lissie, before we know it you'll be moving on to a big girl bed. Please stop growing so quickly.

I love you.



P.S. Here are a few more of my favorite pictures this month.

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