In case you need a refresher, click here for a recap of what happened in Round One of Lissie and the Swing vs. Mommy and Crib.
Since almost two months has passed since that first attempt, I was finally ready to brave Round Two. I thought that Lissie would be ready, as well, as she now has almost five months of living under her belt which would make her old and wise...right?
So, again, imagine boxing announcer Michael Buffer proclaiming "It's time for Round Two of...
Lissie and the Swing
vs. Mommy and the Crib."
Let me preface by saying that Lissie is now pretty familiar with her crib. She takes most of her naps there, ranging from 30 minutes to 2+ hours. So sleeping there at night shouldn't so bad, right? After all, she sleeps through the night (from 9pm - 7:30am) in her swing so it shouldn't be too much of a difference....
So last night, as per usual, we fed her at 8:15, gave her a bath, said our prayers, and she was in bed at 9pm. IN HER CRIB. No complaints!
Justin and I were ecstatic! Hurray! We did it!
Yeah. Well, I guess she thought that she was just taking an extra long nap because she woke herself back up at 12:30am. When we tried to view her on the video monitor, she wasn't anywhere in sight. Justin went in her room, only to find that she had managed to scoot herself out of view from the camera and in a 90 degree angle from where we had originally placed her. And, after a few shushes, Justin was able to soothe her back to sleep. Not bad, we thought.
Umm. She woke up again at 3:30am. It was my turn. Luckily, she just wanted a pacifier and went back to sleep right away. Okay, not the greatest....but we'll take it.
Hmmm....who decided to wake up at 5:30am and didn't want to go back to sleep AT ALL despite a diaper change, rocking, shushing, and, yes, even putting her in her swing? You guessed it: Lissie! She had somehow convinced herself that it was playtime and was practicing her rolling techniques. It's a good thing she's cute because otherwise it would've been very annoying.
So, yeah, despite the early wake-up call,this wasn't nearly as painful as Round One. And, I feel that after a few nights of this she'll eventually get back to sleeping through the night again in her new location.
We still made progress. Baby steps, right?
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In the new parenting world that really does sound like progress. We tried and fail with the move to the crib then trid again a few months later and it's worked out pretty well. We have an occassional paci replacement here and there and a few weeks ago she was going through this wake up and babble phase. But now we're back to her sleeping from about 1030 to 730a. So good luck!!!