Dear Xavier,
This month, which has been riddled with doctor's appointments galore, I have marveled at how far you have come. You had your LAST pulmonologist appointment and your LAST Synagis shot! You are growing well and doing everything just right. You are, most definitely, my perfect little miracle baby.
This month, we've started to venture even further out into the real world - taking you to places like playgroups, library story time, and various parks. Sure, we still exercise good hygiene, but with the threat of flu/cold/RSV season on the decline, we are getting more comfortable being out and about.

You are such a sweetheart. You are good-natured and happy and love taking everything in. You are giggly and smiley and I just want to You are now a pro at sitting up. Your favorite toys are Sophie, the activity table, and just about anything we put in front of you that you can put in your mouth because I am convinced that very soon you will no longer be my gummy baby. You are sort of getting the hang of army crawling, but you still prefer to go backwards. And, to my end, I am relishing in the fact that you are relatively immobile because I am not ready for two very active, mobile creatures running around all over the place!
Stay little. Pretty please?

Loved by your Lolo and Lola.

Your silly sister....
A trooper at an impromptu trip to the doc to treat yet another eye infection.

Hard at work.
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