Remember my 2019 Word of the Year,
Memories, and my goal to do at least
a blog post a month to help me chronicle these memories? Well, it's hard to believe that now it's time to officially document the month of February! Two months done....time flies when you're keeping busy and having fun!
Yes, I know that February is the shortest month of the year.....but still, it came and went faster than ever! The kids and I thought the month would feel so long because we would be missing Lolo and Lola (as they spent the majority of the month abroad in the Philippines, Cambodia, and Thailand), but we tried our best to stay active and busy so it would go by more quickly!
This month's letter promised two events. The first one, on a smaller scale, was spending the day in downtown Nashville. I had gotten the kids tickets to the Nashville Symphony's special family event, Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Music. It was even better than I anticipated! We got there early to partake in the crafts and musical petting zoo (the kids tried their hand at the harp, flute, and a few other fun instruments!) before the show. Shortly after the actual performance began, I got worried because I could see my kids (mainly Xavier) start to get that glazed look of boredom. But right when that happened,the conductor made it more interesting and interactive! Someone had stolen the cellists' music, and they called Sherlock Holmes to investigate! It was, overall, extremely witty and entertaining, and the music, of course, was phenomenal. We all enjoyed it. Afterwards, we headed across the street to the GooGoo Shop to get some treats and another restaurant to grab a pizza for lunch. We had so much fun hanging out downtown!
The next event was a road trip! We went with our good friends to Louisville for a night during Winter Break. We checked out the Kentucky Science Center (which was quite amazing!), as well as a nearby chocolate shop on a friend's recommendation. We stayed at an airbnb where the kiddos played, jumped, and had a great time. When bedtime came, the adults had our own little fun with some yummy carryout and a rousing round of Cards Against Humanity. The next day, we ate a fabulous brunch (strawberry cheesecake French toast!!!) before heading to a trampoline park (it was, unfortunately, too cold to do any of the other fun Louisville-ness that we had intended) and then home. It was a quick getaway, but we all had the best time hanging out with our friends and exploring somewhere new.
Introduced them to Mad Libs (and my fun 80s pen!) on the drive up. |
The fun chocolate shop with amazing bourbon truffles (as well as the kid treats shown here, haha). |
Our airbnb had a lot to offer for kid entertainment, including this fun trampoline. |
How many kids can you fit in a slumberpod? |
Hot chocolate cheers! |
I love how they love each other! |
Of course we needed a horse pic while in Louisville! |
Here are pics of a few more fun February moments:
Went to a party at the Skate Center and was reminded of my 90s childhood. |
X spent two days out of school sick.
By the end, you could tell he was definitely on the mend..... |
Until he went back to school and crashed on the floor, backpack and all, while I was cleaning up our classroom. |
X really grew in his basketball skills this year! |
Lolo and Lola are back, bearing goodies of course! |
Sweet sweet hugs - we missed them! |
First grade celebrated the 120th day of school with a fashion show.
We wore matching shirts saying "I survived the 120th Day of School.....and so did my mom/son!" |
L graduated to yet another bigger bike! |
Bring on March and all of the memories it has to offer (ahem, Spring Break!)......
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