So, we all thought that Justin & I have got ourselves a boy-in-the-oven. I did, Justin did, my parents did (see previous post). And the day before my ultrasound, my class did an informal poll and "Boy" won by a landslide (12 to 6, with 3 abstentions). Not to mention that the day of the ultrasound, I polled my fellow teachers, and they all picked "Boy" with the exception of one.
The gender was the last thing that the ultrasound technician checked. Which was fine by me because it was definitely way more important (and completely amazing) to watch the screen as she checked in on our baby's healthy heart and body. I had never felt closer to witnessing the miracle of God's incredible love and goodness than at that ultrasound...and it still boggles my mind that all that beauty is going on inside me as we speak. Every time our technician gave us the "all clear" that baby's completely "boringly normal", I couldn't help but think - How in the world is that possible when I feel like I have absolutely no idea what the heck I'm doing?
Anyway, so at the very end of the ultrasound, she shows us that, without a doubt, we've got ourselves a beautiful, healthy baby girl on the way. And she'll probably kill me one day for making this picture public, but here's the picture to prove it:
See the crosshairs? Above it is a leg, below it is a leg, and to the right of it you can see that she's all girl...
Oh, and here are some other ultrasound pics:
Baby Girl Yasay's Feet
And a profile shot.
Isn't the Miracle of Life the best thing EVER?
My reaction when I found out we were having a girl? A little confusion. I hadn't pictured it at all, since I had already envisioned a Baby Boy Yasay all along. Naturally, though, that immediately went away, and I started thinking about all the fun I would have with Baby Girl Yasay, in a way that only mothers and daughters can do.
Justin's reaction was two-fold. We walked out of the ultrasound and into the parking lot, and he immediately tells me 1) He's going to buy a shotgun to ward off any potential suitors, and 2) if our next one's a girl, we're going for #3. YIKES. (Of course, he's just as excited as anyone - in fact, I think he's even more excited about the prospect of a girl...and, honestly, can't we all already picture him wrapped around her little finger?!?)
So that night, we invited our folks over to announce the good news.
From the moment they walked in the door, they were making their guesses. They continued to make their suppositions, and Justin and I weren't saying anything. Finally, as soon as we started digging in to dinner, my mom couldn't take it anymore and she asked, "Well? When are you going to tell us?!" I just said that we've given them a few hints, and that they needed to figure it out.
So, here were some of their guesses:
"You're baby's Italian!" (We were eating lasagna.)
"It's a boy because of the scarecrow outside!" (That was purely a fall decoration on the porch.)
Eventually, they noticed that Justin had changed his shirt right before dinner to a pink one that matched the one I was already wearing.
And there reaction was pretty similar to ours...a little shock (since, again, we all thought "Boy") before the excitement kicked in.
Of course, in typical motherly excitement, my mom and I (and Justin tagged along, too) decided to go shopping the very next day. And, yes, as you might have guessed, we shopped 'til we dropped for all things Baby Girl.
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