Monday, July 25, 2011

Sweet Recovery

Thanks to everyone's prayers and thoughts, my surgery went well and my recovery has been smooth sailing!

I received a call from my doc today who informed me that the pathology report showed that the four fibroids were indeed benign. I just need to go in for a yearly ultrasound just to make sure new ones didn't grow. Yay!

We arrived at the hospital bright and early, which reminded both me and Justin of the day that Lissie was born. The feelings were more anxious and nervous this time around, though. I think that back in March, just knowing a baby was leaving my ginormous pregnant body made the fact that I was actually going to get cut open a little bit more tolerable.

Here's a pic of me pre-surgery, wearing the cool hospital gown. I guess going to a Women's Hospital has its perks or something.

After the surgery, I was feeling remarkably well and surprised Justin and my parents by being in good spirits when I came home that afternoon. I even quipped that I was feeling well enough to go back to running the next day.

I didn't, of course, and I even heeded my doctor's orders to not pick up and carry Lissie for three days following surgery. While it was tough to just sit on the sidelines and watch Justin take over sole parenting duties, I'll have to admit that it helped my recovery - not just because I was able to get my rest, but because I got a good chuckle watching Justin figure out what to do. It's not like Justin hasn't helped out all along, it's just that I've also been around to help in any way. So when he was trying to figure out how to get himself, Lissie, and the diaper bag ready for their first solo outing, I was very much amused. It was almost as amusing as when Justin wanted to know what he was supposed to do with Lissie for the three hours that follow each feeding.

They did, though, get some good daddy/daughter bonding time in, as can be seen here:

I even ventured out of the house to go to Mass and to a Filipino Baby Picnic, with me and a few other friends who also had March-born (at least partly) Filipino babies. Seeing all of the cuteness definitely aided in the recovery process!

The best, though, was finally being able to hold my daughter...both at the park, and back at home when we were both wiped out after a busy day:

I'm even surviving my first day back as being sole care-taker of Lissie, as Justin headed back to work this afternoon.

Thanks to Justin and my parents, for helping take care of me, Lissie, and Rupert. Recovery wouldn't have been this painless and easy without you!

And thanks again for all those prayers. I am most definitely blessed!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Offer It Up

DISCLAIMER: May be too much info for some people.

Next week, I'll be having surgery to remove four (benign) fibroids that have made their way into my uterus.

Oftentimes these fibroids (which we first found when I had an ultrasound when I was pregnant with Lissie) can stay right where they are. However, the positioning of mine, as well as the fact that they are relatively large and still growing, is of concern to my doctor. Should (God-willing) I become pregnant again, these fibroids pose an increased risk of major complications such as miscarriage or pre-term labor. (Apparently, it was a bigger blessing than I realized that my pregnancy with Lissie was so easy.)

Robotic Laparoscopic Myomectomy (click link for more info) just happens to be my OB's specialty, and women travel the country to have this surgery performed by her. So, I know I'm in good hands. It's also an outpatient procedure, and I should be fully recovered (and back to running!) after a week or two.

Still, after getting the pre-op paperwork the other day, I started to get a little scared, nervous, and anxious about it all. I just keep telling myself that this is for my family, and I should just say my prayers, count my blessings, and offer it up to God.

A few more prayers wouldn't hurt, though. So if you're reading this and wouldn't mind keeping me and my family in your thoughts next Thursday, July 21st, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Sts. Cosmas and Damian (patron saint of surgeons), pray for us!
St. Luke (another patron saint of surgeons), pray for us!
St. Monica (patron saint of women and mothers), pray for us!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dear Lissie - Four Months

Dear Lissie,

I can't believe yet another month has passed us by. You're actually starting to look like a "real" person now, instead of a tiny babe:

You've also used this month to show us more of your bubbly personality. You're starting to smile more, and even occasionally get the best giggle fits like this one:

We've also gotten into a pretty solid daily routine: Up at 7am, eat, play, nap...and then repeat the cycle until 9pm when it's time for bed. The best part is that you've gotten so much better about napping in your crib! (Refer here to see why this is particularly exciting for me.)

The biggest thing, though, about this month is that you've discovered your fingers...and they are the coolest things that you've ever encountered. Better than your brand-new jumparoo,

and occasionally even better than a pacifier:

Sometimes, you can't decide which you want more, so you try and stuff them both in your mouth simultaneously:

Oh, Lissie, you're so silly. I can't wait to see what crazy antics you've got in store for next month.



Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Lissie's Unexpected Fourth of July Gift!

Yesterday was the Fourth of July and Lissie decided to celebrate America's independence by giving both me and Justin unexpected and special presents.

Here's her gift to me:

Yep, you are seeing a picture of my baby ASLEEP in her CRIB and UNSWADDLED. That's never happened before...ever. (Refer back to here, if you don't believe me.) And she was sound asleep for 45 minutes! (Forgive the cracked screen on the baby monitor...someone (ahem, Justin) was clumsy and dropped it the other day.)

Oh, and her gift to Justin? Letting him see her roll over. She only does it every now and then (one day she did it five times in a row!), and this was only his second time to see it "live."

Fingers crossed that she continues to shower us with these presents!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Fourth of July!

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