Two months. I've learned so much in such a short amount of time.
* I now know that you definitely need a bath in order to get a good night's rest...and that, for my own sanity, I shouldn't test that theory out anymore.
* I used to think that I was pretty good at multitasking, but you taught me how to fine-tune that skill.
* I've learned that you don't really like it when I pinch or bite your chubby cheeks even though it is awfully tempting (and I still do it anyway).
* I've also learned that even though I dress you in girly outfits and put bows in your hair, some people still think you are a boy.
* I've learned to always bring, not just diapers, but a change of clothes everywhere because you don't like being a naked baby when you have accidents, especially when we're running in the park.
* I know that I shouldn't automatically assume that something is wrong with you on days when you sleep a lot or fuss a lot or eat a lot and subsequently research possible symptoms of diseases when you are perfectly, wonderfully, and thankfully just being a healthy, growing baby.
* Most importantly, though, I've learned the meaning of unconditional love.
I look back at your first pictures from the hospital, and it's hard to believe that you're the same person. You've grown so much (you've finally outgrown your newborn baby clothes!)and have reached a few fun milestones: you're smiling and giggling up a storm (especially when you're in your bumbo or activity mat), sleeping longer at night (average 4-5 hours), and can entertain yourself longer (allowing Mommy to keep up with the cleaning and cooking!).
It hasn't always been rosy, though. I've had my share of breakdowns, but they usually seem to coincide with your growth spurts when you weren't interested in sleeping and were more interested in eating...all day and night. Luckily that only lasted a few days, and you're back to being your mostly pleasant self.
You're also spending more time with Lolo and Lola, which is great because they love hanging out with you...and Mommy and Daddy can enjoy a much needed date night (and Preds playoff game!) every now and then! I'm not sure if Lola appreciated the three-page Word document I created on how to take care of you, though...seeing as she raised me just fine. Lola also thinks its funny when I call her and complain when you're fussy because she says "what goes around comes around." Can you be extra fussy one day when they're babysitting? On second thought, never mind, be extra good - that way they'll keep babysitting :-)
I love you, Lissie. I love watching you grow...just don't do it so fast.
Your first denim experience.
No wonder people think you're a fat boy.
Enjoying your bumbo.
Our little monkey.
Lovin' tummy time on your activity mat.
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