I knew something was about to change - Noreen's been getting bigger and bigger and didn't take me on long walks anymore. They were also spending a lot time fixing up the spare bedroom.
Then one day Zoe left! I overheard later that Justin's dad has her now because she can be a bit of a feisty dog, and Noreen and Justin were worried about how she'd be with a Baby. I didn't know what a Baby was, but it must be something big because they didn't want Zoe around it.
A little while later, Noreen and Justin took me to Noreen's parents house for a few days. I like going there because they have a nice backyard where I can watch for birds and squirrels. One day her parents came home with a weird smelling blanket. I didn't think anything of it until Justin picked me up and had me sniff a tiny hat with the same weird smell.
Justin left me at home, saying he was going to pick up Noreen and this Baby thing...and that I needed to be on my best behavior. I was a little nervous and waited for them to return with much anticipation. A few hours later, I heard them come home.
I'm not really sure what I was expecting but it definitely wasn't what I saw. Justin carried in this funny-looking contraption that made sounds, while Noreen followed behind him. I inspected the contraption further to find a small creature inside that smelled just like the blanket and hat. I was very curious and kept sniffing this thing that they called Baby or also Lissie.
They lifted her out of the contraption and placed her in a weird-looking box that they built in the spare room. Luckily there were slats in the box so I could keep an eye on this Baby.
After a few days, I realized that Baby was here to stay. I also decided that I liked this creature and made it my job to protect it. I can tell when it is upset because it makes loud wailing noises so I quickly find Noreen and Justin to make sure they take care of Baby. If they don't come right away, I pace frantically until they come.
Baby is also fun to play with. She has a few toys that squeak, just like me. She is fun to sniff when she's on the ground or in her chair.
One of my favorite things about Baby's arrival, though, is that Noreen takes us both on long walks and jogs again!
I've noticed that Baby is starting to grow bigger and taller, and I'm slightly afraid that she might be bigger than me one day. She likes to grab things, and I'm worried that she might eventually yank my tail...or, worse, even try and ride me.
'Til then, though, I'm enjoying my new life as the Guardian of the Baby.
That is so cute!! I actually cried reading it bc it was so cute! awww