In the beginning, I was self conscious simply because I felt that it was boring and there was nothing to see. And then there was the period where it was downright embarrassing - you know, the whole "Is she pregnant or just gaining weight?" time frame. Now (at 5.5 months) that there's no doubt that I am indeed pregnant, it seems a little funny to post the pictures since there's nothing really to compare it to.
I've never really been weight conscious (thanks to the intrinsic motivation I have of running long distances - which, sadly, has been quite nonexistent these days), but it's sort of been rough seeing that scale start to creep its way forward. It's all been in the healthy range, according to the Good Doc, but it's still slightly terrifying nonetheless.
But, due to your requests, here are a few of the latest belly shots:
21 Weeks
22 Weeks
22 Weeks, with Rupert
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